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The Day After Yesterday

Day Two - Every few feet, the DC streets have a dead cicada. I haven't bothered counting them as I walk 5 blocks from the nearest Metro stop to WUSA. It's a nice stroll (hmmmm, maybe not so much if I'm still doing it when snow comes) and gives the Benz a break from all the traffic. Speaking of, the old gal made it here fine and hasn't been pulled over for having "non-Maryland" tags - yet! :)

What an intense way to kick off a new job - things are in high gear with the Reagan funeral this week! I am blessed with a self-sufficient web staff that requires little supervision. While getting used to the lay of the land, I'll also be learning about and from this 4-member team.

After receiving two rounds of applause from two different meeting tables yesterday, I'm blessed to have a TV family that has been looking forward to my arrival. Now, it's time to get stupid and scare all of them! :)

House hunting progressed to where we'll pursue getting a new townhouse – easier to come in and maintain and a safer investment. However, these homes are often sold before being built and we are not ready to sell our Jackson home – which is necessary before buying up here. So, for now – staying with the in-laws is a blessing and awaiting little Georgia Kennedy to get here!

I'll be returning to Mississippi the weekend of June 18. Seeing many of you will be difficult but know that you are missed and that your friendship, love, and prayers are greatly appreciated.

Until then, be well my dear Southern comrades.


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