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Showing posts from June, 2010

Respect and Entitlement

In doing some thinking recently, it's become very clear to me how spoiled we as a society have become. We are so spoiled and comfortable that we no longer show proper respect towards things and people that deserve respect and we feel our respect must be earned. But worse we feel we're entitled to anything at anytime. That we deserve the very best and we deserve it right now. Here's just a few examples:

Is Oil Choking Your Faith?

Are you weary of the daily news onslaught relating to the Gulf's oil spill? Looking at any media lately, it's nearly impossible to escape some sort of update or opinion about the Gulf's oil spill and its damage to the environment or BP's latest idea to stop the leaks. You can even look at a live video feed of the oil-spewing leaks a mile under water. Searching for "oil spill" produces hundreds of results. Here are just a few of today's headlines: