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Showing posts from August, 2008

Lunch Box Days Cometh

It won't be long before my little girl starts Preschool. Hard to believe she's 4 years old and harder to believe she's going from daycare at Kim's work to Pre -K at First Baptist Church of Laurel School. Tuesday is her first day. Funny where the mind goes with thoughts like these. Such as the pic above. My widdle mind wandered to my first lunch box...maybe not literally my first since I think that was Battlestar Gallactica ...but I definitely remember ole Luke kickin it swamp style with Yoda and the red thermos with the yellow lid. That was a schweet lunch box. So, G has her choice of two. One is a fabulous gift from the Rials boys in Mississippi...all monogrammed and fun with a lady bug on it. Havin a total brain cramp right now on what the other one is. Hmmm . Oh well. What fun! She's been waiting for it like a hungry monkey for two months. "Do I go to my new school next week?" inquires the child who likes to know her schedule and what's next.

Roseanne: From Grab To Gab

Give me a break. Here's a wonderful example of how Hollywood is cannibalistic...not that you should be surprised. Perhaps you missed the story. Roseanne in a post to her website expressed her opinions about how Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie use their money and thinks that Angelina should make a choice on who to endorse in the Presidential race. Roseanne writes, "Also Miss Jolie says she likes McCain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the African daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the Republican party's worldwide economic assault on Africa over the last few decades since Reagan?" she adds. The only reason I'd even spend time on this post is to applaud this A-List Hollywood couple for at least being open to another candidates views. Typically, Hollywood clings to liberal issues and Democrat candidates. So, for major figures in Tinsel

Anyone For A Howl?

We've had some amazing weather as of late in Maryland. Nothing like upper-60s to low-70s as evening falls. It's even gotten into the 50s in some burbs. And this is August?! While walking Maddy tonight, I noticed the moon looking very similar to the image on left. My thoughts instantly went to what's around the corner: my favorite time of year! I love Fall...the temps, the smell on the winds, the color of leaves, and Halloween. Mmmmmm , time for some shut-eye with the windows open. :)

Madame Speaker, Where Art Thou?

One of my father-in-law's favorite quotes is: " If you always do what you've always'll always get what you've always gotten. " So, to our vacationing members of Congress, thanks for continuing to ignore the people's desires to drill offshore and find LOCAL means of energy. If you're not around to vote, maybe people will forget? Maybe the energy concern will go away, right? Grrrrr. On April 19, 2006, the then Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi stated, "Democrats have a plan to lower gas prices…join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.” Since Democrats have been in power with promises of lower gas prices, $4+/gallon gas prices have become common place. Yesterday , the lights and mics were turned off and the House had stopped TV feeds to C-Span after the pre-noon vote to adjourn Congress for the August recess. Republicans, however, demanded that Congress stay in session until it did something about high gas prices. "Ma

Music To The Soul

This post will have nothing to do with my adventures in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Yet, it still reflects on me today. I served in the Contemporary Christian music field for nearly 10 years at WHJT and WYJS in Jackson, MS. It was here that I learned CCM was years behind the mainstream music scene. Lyrics at the time weren't strong, music was weaker, and CCM had a growing following that could be so much larger if the music was closer in quality to mainstream tunes. Flash forward to today and the clip I've posted from Superchick . Glorious. Artists today can go toe-to-toe with their mainstream counterparts in lyrics, sound, and music videos. Additionally, there's something to be said for making Christian radio a habit. You know the ole phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? If we listen to and watch garbage on a daily basis, we become immune to it and our spirit is grinded down each time. However, the positive messages of Christian lyrics coupled with