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Can you come home tonight?

The question caught me totally by surprise. "The baby is fine. I am fine. But my fluid is lower than it should be and the doctor wants to deliver her." My disbelief was rapidly met with a prompting to get my already planned trip to Jackson for the weekend moved up a day and extended at least a week.

So, the mother-in-law and I came in last night at 5:40pm, after Kim had already been admitted to the Suites on Lakeland Drive. I spent the night with her - the rooms are divine only for those admitted to them - as she began to have contractions. After dozing much of the night, I had the not-so-pleasurable experience of watching her ride-out contractions enhanced by drugs from 6-8am while waiting on the blessed epidural. After that, she slept like a log.

The rest of the day crept by at a steady pace until Georgia Kennedy Garner was born 2:20pm on Friday, July 30, 2004. She weighed 7lbs 11oz, 20 1/2 inches long and a head full of my hair! :) Let me tell ya, that umbilical cord is tougher to cut than I thought! But she's a cutie and mom's recuperating fine.

I've got some MPEG video and pics to upload but I'm about to go back to the hospital for the night. We'll be there until Sunday afternoon.

The Adventure Continues...


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