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So, I had hoped to get my car back from the mechanic Wednesday. She was overdue on having the ole brakes checked out. However, Pat had quite a used car lot of vehicles to deal with for AC repair. Yeah, this may be a huge commuter area...but many peeps love their cars...and staying cool in them. At least the last few days have been very pleasant.

Thus, the MARC train, subway, and 5 minute walk was the method of getting to work this morn. Georgia had her yearly checkup yesterday at 2:45pm...yup, hard to believe her bday was July 30 and she's 2! So, Kimmie kinda needed a car. Appointment went well...she's 30lbs...a yard tall - somehow 3 feet seems a bit tall for a 2 year old...I've got an Amazon on my hands!

Getting off the 4-story elevator - seriously, if that thing was stood on end, it'd have to be 4 stories tall! - the smell of rain slapped my nostrils into confused delight. How refreshing...but I didn't know it was suppose to rain...oh yeah, you didn't check the forecast, did you? ;)

Now, what's that smell?! Holy melting nostrils, Batman, did someone just cut some blue cheese? Yeesh. Well, there is a guy behind me...but since I'm on the escalator going to street level...this is the big city. Aromas abound.

My five-minute stroll was going to be damp. Sure, I could get on a bus and burn the little remaining cash on my Metro card...but this was a light shower...not a down pour. Time for an invigorating stroll.

Besides requiring several minutes at my desk to dry out...yesterday was a productive day and the Solara is doing well with new front pads.

Mr. Garner Will Return...(if you ever made it until the end of a James Bond credits...there was always the promise: James Bond Will Return)


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