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A New Year

Well, I did make it back to DC - although by my Yahoo group, you'd never know it! My world wind tour to Jacktown was awesome! Got to see many of our friends, spent time with family, bunked at my parents house for the first time since moving out in 1995! That was nice. Unfortunately, Kim and Georgia weren't with me and I definitely missed having them around.

Speaking of, has she grown! I realized the most recent pics of her on this group was her turning 2! Seems light years since July 30, of 2006!

Georgia's doing well at daycare which is at Kim's work. Yeah, another update...Kim's working at the US Agriculture Department in the Office of Technology Transfer as a Program Support Assistant. Whew! It's the government's way of calling her an assistant office manager by my definition of her job duties. The daycare is onsite - which is a blessing.

Nothing dramatic to update. We survived the holidays. Georgia still isn't so keen on tearing into wrapping paper...but I'm sure that will change. :)

We've also seen a rather brutal winter. The last month has had maybe one day over 40 degrees. On Valentine's Day we got a one-two punch of snow and a lot of sleet, which melded together into some major ice that if untreated or plowed before getting too solid, will just about need a jackhammer to move. :)

Plus, all this fun deep freeze and dry indoor air and whoknowswhat has offered Georgia and I a few upper respiratory infections. Seems she inherited my sinus troubles. :(

Was ordained as a deacon at our church, Faith Baptist, near the end of January. Never pictured myself serving in that role but I welcome how the Lord will use me in that capacity.

Otherwise, we have a new GM at W*USA 9 as of a couple weeks ago and he's working out exceptionally well. It's a new chapter here.

As always, more to come...


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