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My 50 Things

If you Facebook, you may recall a recent fad where people sent around a list of "25 Things" about themselves. These lists contained facts about the sender and encouraged receipients to share 25 items about themselves.

Often the rebel about such campaigns, I abstained at the time but opted last week via Twitter to share "50 Things" of interest about me.

Here's the list and feel free to comment:

1) Came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior the summer of 1988. It's been a wonderful journey.

2) Married to my best friend since 1997. We met in, that's a long time to hang around someone! She still laughs at my silliness.

3) Met Kim at Mississippi College while I was working at WHJT 93.5fm and she was at WSLI 930am (studios next door)

4) Part of our full testimony is how Kim and I were fired from our jobs at WYJS 105.9fm coming back from our honeymoon.

5) Enjoy being a dad! It gets better everyday.

6) Do not like card games. Never played growing up and they just don't do anything for me.

7) Love, love, love spicy food. The hotter the better.

8) Love most science fiction - but Star Trek and Star Wars are at the top and in that order :)

9) Youngest of brother is 14 years older; sister 15 years older.

10) Love the South (especially Mississippi) and hope to move family back there one day.

11) Generally, don't enjoy talking on the phone very long.

12) Enjoy one-on-one convo or small groups. Usually try to blend into large crowds or being the "court jester"

13) Fascinated with ocean ships of all sorts, shipwrecks, and the sea.

14) Never learned to swim.

15) Furtherest traveled: South = Florida...North = NYC...East = Bahamas...West = Texas.

16) Not a big fan of Facebook Apps, so you can Poke and Super Poke all you want but I'm not gonna accept :)

17) History fascinates me - especially 1800s and early 1900s. Plus, if we don't learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it

18) I've painted a radio broadcast tower while it was on the ground

19) Wrote two novels (unpublished)

20) Operated my own poetry magazine called Poetry South which received hundreds of submissions and subscriptions

21) Became a published poet while in high school.

22) Have loved ghost stories since childhood which helped me Executive Produced the "Unexplained" series. Check them out here.

23) I've seen what appeared to be a ghost cat. Eyes didn't reflect flashlight and it vanished into a bush.

24) Have taken a very odd digital photograph which I call "Creek Boy" and recorded sounds of doors slamming, thumps, taps, and a disembodied male voice whispering "Talk to me" during "Unexplained" investigations.

25) Rarely (once in a blue moon) enjoy shopping for clothes

26) Love old and classic cars

27) Favorite cars I've owned: 1982 Mercedes Benz 240D (oil leak led to rod being thrown) and a 1970 Benz 280SE (adored this one but wasn't practical to keep in MD)

28) Enjoy all genres of music but only listen to music in car...and then I often prefer talk radio or silence.

29) Never got into "Lost"

30) Always been a conservative (Republican) but never was into politics until the 2008 Presidential elections.

31) Never played sports in high school or college.

32) Only sport I "learned" is golf. Haven't picked up a club in 5 years.

33) Sports I enjoy watching in person: hockey, football, basketball and that order.

34) Sports I enjoy watching on TV: football and basketball.

35) Love to grill anything anytime

36) Favorite color: Blue (any shade...peaceful)

37) Favorite season: Fall (love the colors and Halloween)

38) No fan of Spring because of pollen (allergies) and insects (annoying)

39) Began wearing glasses when I got married...hmmm. Used 2 pair in 12 years.

40) Have been on one cruise...HIGHLY recommend it!

41) Never broken a bone, been to ER, had surgery, or stayed in hospital

42) Love black olives - could eat a whole can if left to my own devices

43) First girlfriend was a freshman in college. I was a senior in high school. Older women rock ;)

44) First car: 1977 Toyota Celica hatchback, 5 spd, bannana yellow

45) First job: DJ on Light Adult Contemporary college radio station Light 93.5

46) First gaming system: Atari 2600 - loaned it to a friend who moved away with it a few months later. Sigh

47) Proposed to Kim live on the radio - morning show on Spirit 106 - good for me she said yes. :)

48) First movie: "The Black Hole" - Disney special effect yumyum for its time; sweet cheesiness today

49) Been hunting once. Didn't see anything or fire gun. Probably would prefer paintball.

50) Addicted to World War II video games, but thankfully haven't had time to dwell there for years.


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