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Christmas With A Capital C

Since Christmas decorations have been in stores alongside Halloween decor for months now, seems even more relevant to have a Christmas movie coming out, right?

Last season had the aroma of disgruntled grinches wanting nativity scenes or other Christmas symbols removed, hubbub sprinkled of stores saying "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" and various boycotts roasting on open fires. Thus, a movie being produced about this subject isn't surprising.

I love good, clean, inspiring, family movies. Too often Hollywood forgets that a flick can do well without showing lots of skin, tossing curses around, or focusing on the worst of human nature. Don't get me wrong, my favorite genres are sci-fi and action movies. The more explosions, robots, and peril the better! But even with some of those films, there's this compelling need to drop in as many curse words as possible. It amazes me that the industry thinks it's fine for a 13 year old to hear the Lord's name misused. But that's another topic for another time.

After watching the trailer above, is this a movie you're excited or curious about seeing? Why or why not? Share your comments below.


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