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Reflecting on the Past

It's always healthy to do some personal maintenance. To look back over the course of your life, vocation, or other aspects and consider if you're on the best path. Recently, I started reading my blog from the beginning. I was surprised that I'd forgotten certain details or emotions of some recorded moments. This is the beauty of journaling  or blogging: capturing moments for history.

When I started this blog, it was actually a Yahoo Group called "Mr. Garner Goes To Washington." Blogs weren't such the rage in 2004 but they soon would be. My posts focused my experiences as one who'd never lived outside of Mississippi moving to the DC metro area. All the Yahoo Group's posts became the foundation for this blog, and I continued blogging about life in this faster-paced area.

Around 2008, I noticed my writing focused changed. With a new job that allowed me to partially work from home and a new political climate, my writings drifted to more political, cultural, and theological topics. My post count decreased since these writings took time to compile.

Having been in this area for 11 years and looking over the span of this blog, I'm not sure if "Mr. Garner Goes To Washington" is such a fitting name any longer. "Garnerisms" seems more fitting with my topics being rather random. Since we're in this journey together, I'm curious if you have any feedback. Should the name stay the same or change? What about the content? Do you enjoy the random mix? Would you rather see more focus on my perspectives as a Southern transplant or continued focus on meatier topics?

Leave your comments below and as always thanks for your support.


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