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Today and Tomorrow, Being Side By Side

It began late last night. Shock, disbelief, anger, and grief. My Twitter and Facebook feeds began to try and capture many stunned emotions. Even my Instagram and Snapchat feeds began to showcase the dismay.

Of course, all the feeds contained the celebrations of many Trump supporters.

Reflecting back to the 2012 election, I was curious what some tweets may have been at that time from Romney supporters. What would be the tone and would the verbiage be similar? 

As Scripture says, "There is nothing new under the sun."

First, here's a few tweets from this morning:

Now, let's step back to 2012:

I don't share those old tweets to diminish anyone's struggle or hurt they are processing today. Frankly, I share them to offer that I and other conservatives know what you're feeling. What may be difficult to comprehend is that half the country does not agree with where President Obama has taken the country. His administration's policies have pushed many away.

Equally, those who voted for Trump are not deplorables, rednecks, ignorant, racists, misogamists, all-white, all-male, bigots, or evangelicals. I know that I have grown weary of being labeled, name-called, and shouted-down or over for the last eight years.

What we need to do now, more than ever is to listen. Hug. And listen some more. Let's stop trying to shove agendas, polices, or how we want someone to change down throats. I know that I need to take more time to understand how and why someone thinks differently than me. And not just one...several people. Many people. Make the time to listen. Hopefully, you'll get the chance to share your thoughts as well. But it starts with listening.

In those moments, it's not about me or you being right or wrong. You feel a certain way and have a certain opinion. Maybe you're spot-on or maybe there's an avenue you haven't considered.

That's dialogue and conversation. With that, we can heal. With that we can be side by side.

New voters, remember this:

Everyone else, including any #NeverTrump folks, check this out:


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