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When Rabid Spider Monkeys Attack...

Wow, another month in DC has come and gone. November 7 will mark 5 months working at W*USA 9 - almost half a year! - and Oct. 30th marked my child being 3 months old. 3 months! Whoah.

This has been an odd arrangement...being a dad but not being able to "be a dad"...after all, you'll see from my latest pics that I added to the Photos section of the website (don't forget to go there and check em out) that this little baby is HAPPY! Wow, can she smile.

Meanwhile, I've been experiencing all the joys of managership with the paperwork, appraisals, budgets, interviewing new candidates, and other assundries. All the while trying to code a current a new one...and get ready for Election Tuesday. It's upon me, which means a VERY long day...I might as well be ready to sleep up here...and that may happen. Vote and pray. Pray that God's Will be done and that the election process will be smooth and decisive.

As for the subject of this post...I just liked the sound of it! ;)


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