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Back On The Wagon

Few things compare to a morning stroll upon a wooded trail. Patuxent Trails are perfect for walking, running, or biking. Although these trails are less than a five minute drive, I only started consistently using them in May after a six month break from my exercise routine.

Yeah, six months.

We canceled our LifeTime membership in November. Not the best of times to end a gym membership but LifeTime is expensive and we needed a plan that all of us could consistently use.
Our random and long Winter didn't help matters, however, the fault is not with the season. That'd fall squarely on my shoulders for not adjusting my routine. Thus, my weight is 254.

For perspective, that weight for a 6 foot male is considered obese.

A trainer at LifeTime once asked me, "What's your weight loss goal?" Pondering the question, I really didn't have an answer for him. "Everyone has to have a goal! How'd you know if you're on track?" There's nothing wrong with that approach. Maybe it's the only approach. I could tell myself, "Self, you need to lose 25 pounds by ___ date." I've done that and succeeded, but I've also done that and failed. I've been successful with the Atkins diet and tried numerous diet pills. I'm currently trying Plexus Slim, and I'm underwhelmed after a few months into it.

I've never liked my body and never really been comfortable in my own skin. But as I've grown older, I've come to realize the importance of taking care of my body more than having a certain weight or just the right tan.

My attitude about exercise is simple: do enough at least 5 days/week to elevate your heart rate and eat less calories than you burn. That's it. Seriously, it's that simple. Sure, one could exercise every day. One could flip tractor tires and jump on boxes. Everyone's different with how their bodies react, their goals, and their patience. It's no more complicated than moving more and eating less/more healthy.

My last post about my fitness journey was on April 13, 2012. I joined a gym on February 29. Then, I was 240 lbs. Two years and some change, I'm 14 pounds heavier. What am I doing about it? Brisk walks of three to four miles and drinking a gallon of water five day per week. Next is getting ready to walk a half marathon this fall in Baltimore.

The journey continues...

Previous articles on my fitness journey:

Tales From An Unexpected Gym Rat

Get Out of Gyms, Get Into Neighborhoods

Never Know Who's Watching You


  1. Good luck, Rick! I too have battled with my weight as an adult and know how hard it is to stay on track. Let me know when you want some company on the trails and I will join you!
    Also, I think Planet Fitness is running a $10/mo. promotion you may want to consider if you miss the gym.


  2. Thanks, Bro! Summer has been a challenge with camps and swim practice. But we keep pressing on. I never know when I'm gonna be on the trail - whenever I have a free hour and change - but welcome the company, if you can keep up! :) Are you free during the days?


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