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I Like It Hot

I have a problem. Yeah, it's pretty much an addiction. The flame lures me in every time regardless of the cuisine. Hi, my name is Rick. I love extreme spice.

I'm uncertain when it began but mom mentioned more than once my younger self's delight with spicy sausage patties. An after-school treat was popcorn loaded with generous amounts of cayenne pepper. Soups and other dishes were more-than-dashed with hot sauce or whatever spice on hand.

Perhaps I'm part Cajun or merely a glutton for punishment. One of my best buds said more than once that my cast-iron stomach would give out one day. Thankfully, that day hasn't come.

What do I like about spice? Many things. Many heats have flavor while some are just for pain. I prefer flavor with pain. The lingering burn in my mouth, tongue, and lips that's intensified simply by breathing is always a sign of superior spice. It's the sort of heat that makes me stick out my if air or seemingly releasing the heat would ever help. And it's the sort of spice that empties half my skull's mucus in a few seconds. These are a few of my favorite things.

My tolerance level has expanded to ghost and scorpion pepper sauces or powders. Carolina Reaper, allegedly the world's hottest pepper, is next on the list to sample.

I'm no dummy when it comes to trying new heat. There must at least be some milk, mayonnaise, or ranch dressing nearby. I often don't need it but the precaution is wise. When I first started sampling Tropical Pepper Company's Ghost Pepper sauce, I could only take it mixed with mayonnaise. Now, I can enjoy it poured straight on nachos, chicken, or whatever. Same for their Scorpion Pepper Sauce which is more of a mash than sauce. There are times when the bite from either is rather insane, but I keep coming back for more.

Have I ever met my match? My current nemesis is Dave's Insanity Powder. The first time I sampled this dust of hell was by trying a few flakes which was quickly followed by a strained, "Mother of God!" However, mixed in with a sauce, soup, chili...that would add some delightful flavor.

Considering I have a gift certificate to the Pepper Palace, I'm rather certain they'll have a reaper product to light me up. Oh and here they are. I'll have to see if it becomes a new nemesis.


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