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Adam, Eve, and Whoopie Pies

This weekend, I had a double-whammie: the Gospel of Jesus Christ meets Broadway and a weekend in Amish country.

Sight & Sound has several theaters producing professional, amazing performances which focus on sharing the Gospel on the magnitude of a full-Broadway production. Dozens of actors, elaborate sets, incredible lighting, and much more make these shows very memorable.

In today's society of needing to be entertained, productions which focus on bringing the Gospel to life are few to none. Sight & Sound brings to life everything from the Garden of Eden to the birth of Christ and more. My family and in-laws saw "In The Beginning" along with a packed house and left truly amazed. Click here for more about the show.

There's also something really special about Amish Country. The Intercourse/Strasburg/Lancaster, PA area is a wonderful contrast from the complex city life. Huge farms, roadside stands, horses, sheep, and the frequent horse-drawn buggies. It's simplicity with enough city-life mixed in to keep it real.

I enjoyed an Amish man in one store responding to a customer's inquiry about if his store carried a specific product. "That's only made in China, so we don't carry that." Good for him! Really. How often could someone get away with in the city with only carrying products that either you, your family, community, or country made?

We stayed at Hershey Farm. It's definitely worth staying at once. The Inn reminded me of a college dorm and the rooms felt a bit outdated. Most B&B's in the area only accept older children, otherwise I'd recommend staying in one of them. However, you cannot beat the food at the phenomenal Hershey Farm restaurant. We had dinner and breakfast there and both were wonderful presentations of country food: good, plenty, healthy and not so healthy. Speaking of, possibly the most delightful sweet creation of which I've tasted is the whoopie pie. Think of two chocolate or red velvet cake cookies with the most amazing icing in between. There's also chocolate-chip and oatmeal-raisin cookies with the whoopie icing. Click here to find out more about Hershey Farms and the whoopies .

In case you missed it, yes the perfect line is "I had a whoopie in Intercourse." Ba-da-dum.


  1. Hey! What is up with coming right up next to me and not stopping by! Anyway, isn't Amish country great. We have been up there a few times as it is only a short distance from us. I will have to try the Hershey Farm restaurant. And yes, I have been to Intercourse! --- Trey W


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